The harmony necklace is a mum-to-be necklace. It can be in silver, gilded with fine gold or copper-coloured. It is originally from Indonesia, more particularly from the island of Bali. It contains a small bell which produces a soft and melodious sound. This sound will calm down the baby all along the pregnancy. The pregnancy necklace will also be a nice way to enhance the baby bump of the future mum and her clothes. Discover our collections of pregnancy necklaces and treat yourself to one of them.
The pregnancy necklaces have been part of Indonesian traditions for centuries now but they emerged in our less exotic territories in only a few decades. They are the perfect match between elegance, discretion and refinery. They are to wear suspended to a cord or a chain, to roll delicately on the belly of the pregnant woman. Swinging it will produce a soft and discreet chime that will sharpen the curiosity of the baby.
Every pendant contains small pearls or beads which move in the sandstones of the movements of the future mum. This soft melody will allow a bond to be created between the mother and the baby. Wearing a harmony ball will enhance the curves of the mum-to-be along the months of pregnancy and will highlight her outfits. They are available in various shapes or colours which will allow you to change the model according to your outfit.
They will accessorise the simplest outfit as much as the most colourful. After the birth, the mum will have the possibility to use the necklace as a choker for example. Our online shop Le petit bola is offering numerous models of pregnancy necklace so that you will find the perfect one for you for certain.
Wearing a harmony ball during the pregnancy will allow you to create an extra complicity between the mother and the baby. After the birth, the soft chime of the pendant will keep on calming down the baby. Every parent who tried this experience vouch for it. Once suspended to the crib of the baby, it will produce the same sound as when he was inside the belly, this way he will dive back into the preceding softness. If you decide to breastfeed your baby, continuing to wear the pregnancy necklace would be also very beneficial. It will be the continuation of the complicity you have, with this soft chime that lulls you and him for months. Our models have been thought and created with much love and we hope they will take good care of you and your baby.
The wedding rings symbolise the love between two soulmates and the harmony ball symbolise the long months of pregnancy during the life of a woman. Every future dad should know this significance and this way give one to her beloved. Pregnancy necklaces are just the perfect gift for future mums. Gilded with fine gold, sterling silver, copper-coloured, with stones, round-shaped, drop-shaped, the pregnancy necklaces are real jewels. Those small cage pendants, countain mysterious treasures, just like the belly of the mum-to-be.
In Indonesia, which is where they originate from, the pregnancy necklace has the particularity of protecting the baby from evil spirits that might surround him. Between exotical superstitions and fairy tales, these harmony balls are a real enchantment. Besides the fact that mums grant a sentimental attachment to this jewel, there exists only one type of jewel of this kind.
At Le petit bola, we think and create pregnancy necklaces as a true love story full of elegance and softness. Symbols of purity, refinery and complicity, the harmony necklace will guide you all along your pregnancy and will also guide the baby in his first moments of life. After the birth, do not hesitate to keep it in its box and take it out back one day to transmit it to your children, once they grow up.