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Indonesian harmony ball

Before being an elegant pendant, the harmony ball is traditional jewellery. As a matter of fact, the first harmony balls were Indonesian. The Balinese women were wearing this ball containing a little bell inside that was making a gentle sound, and it was protecting their baby against dark spirits. This nice custom exports itself in plenty other countries making pregnant women’s joy all around the world. Some Indonesian mums sew the harmony ball inside their baby’s blankie so that it could rock him reminding the sound he was used to hear back in utero during the first weeks of pregnancy. Indonesian harmony ball is special as it is made of silver-925. This is a very nice present to offer an expectant woman.

8 Model(s)
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925 sterling Silver


Pregnancy necklace harmony

Harmony necklace Harmony

925 sterling Silver


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Harmony necklace Dewi

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Harmony necklace Cage

925 sterling Silver


Bola de maternidad jaula

Harmony necklace Cage & Stone

925 sterling Silver


Do you fancy traditional and hand made jewellery? Some people, like us, think that ancestral jewels have sentimental value. The Indonesian harmony ball is a gem, especially created for pregnant women, with a lovely design, to please you eyes, but also to get quietness. This little Indonesian necklace will go with the mum and the baby during the whole pregnancy. Why not offering it to your wife or your daughter?

Indonesian harmony balls’ characteristics

The Indonesian harmony ball is a traditional jewel coming from Indonesia. It also is a lucky charm for the mom to be and for the unborn child, that you can also call “zen baby pendant”. The harmony ball is a custom from Indonesia, which nowadays exists everywhere in the world, bringing an extraordinary joy to pregnant women. This long Indonesian pendant, that you wear close by your baby bump, helps the baby to get used to the soft sound that is going to rock him, but also to protect him from the darks spirits or from bad luck. As a necklace, the Indonesian harmony ball, golden, this noisy circle loop, with a long cordon, or a chain around the neck of the lady that is wearing it, hides inside a little bell that will make a soft carillon anytime the mom to be will move on. This carillon brings healing to the mum and to the baby.

Different kinds of silver Indonesian ball

This harmony ball is available in 2 models:
  • The cage Indonesian harmony ball, made with silver-925, with a nice pendant in golden pearl. It is also available as a hand harmony ball; it means that it is actually a bracelet, pleasant, very beautiful and light at your wirst.
  • The circle harmony ball, in solid silver-925, decorated with a lovely circle pendant.

Indonesian harmony ball virtues

The harmony necklace is an original jewel with value, it is made of solid silver-925, decorated with a copper or brass shape, created by brave traditional Indonesian artisans. The jewel materials, and the lovely sound, are both riskless for the baby and for the mother. The Indonesian harmony ball has peaceful virtues, nonetheless it is a trendy jewel, it also rocks the baby in utero. It allows the pregnant woman to stay fashion and posh, while enhancing her lovely baby bump. It helps her to live a relaxing and harmonious pregnancy. However, since the 19th week of pregnancy, the unborn baby will be able to get used to the harmony ball’s lovely sound placed on her mum’s stomach. It will then rocks him, and calms him down. The fact that the baby is moving during the nine months of the pregnancy, and even after the birth, shows that baby is reacting to the harmonious melody of the harmony ball.

After the delivery, you can use the harmony necklace as an intermediary for the newborn, between his time in utero, and this mysterious real world. Even after the birth, the mum can continue to wear her necklace, especially during the breastfeeding, as the baby is used to hear this light and soft music, which will continue to rock him and comfort him. It might even helps him to get to sleep quickly. Another option is to hang the necklace to the baby’s pram, after you’ve check that he cannot touch it. Last but not least, it is possible to sew it inside the baby’s blankie so that the harmony ball’s music will always be close to him. The Indonesian harmony ball can be transmitted from one generation to another as a traditional and valuable jewel, charming and full of history.

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